[Infographic] Abandoned Cart Recovery: Email vs. Messenger 2021 (Updated)
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[Infographic] Abandoned Cart Recovery: Email vs. Messenger 2021 (Updated)

Using a range of data, we looked into some of the most recent cart abandonment statistics, and how ecommerce shops can minimize this issue.
[Infographic] Abandoned Cart Recovery: Email vs. Messenger 2021 (Updated)

Using a range of data, we looked into some of the most recent cart abandonment statistics, and how ecommerce shops can minimize this issue.

Should you use email marketing, chat marketing or both to recover abandoned carts? And which sectors stand to win back most revenue in 2021? Here are some of the headline stats from the data we compiled:

Abandoned cart rates across sectors:

Average all sectors: 88.05%

Out of all industries, ecommerce fashion businesses can benefit most from running abandoned cart recovery campaigns. Using email marketing to recover abandoned carts works well, but its efficiency has been on the decline:

Fashion: 90.68%
Retail: 84.51%
Travel: 79.95%

Source: Statista

Abandoned cart email open rates have dropped from 46.1% in 2013 to 40.76% in 2020. These open rates are still relatively high. Click rates for this type of email have also dropped from 13.3% in 2013 to 8.24% in 2020.

Source: Barilliance

How about Messenger's abandoned cart recovery performance?

Messenger open and click through rates:

Messenger average open rates (80-90%) and click-through rates (56%) are significantly higher than email. At the same time, where abandoned cart email conversion rates lie at 10.7%, Messenger performs around 33% better.

Sources: Moosend, Neil Patel, Upbeat

Basically, while abandoned cart emails still performed relatively well in 2020, they are less efficient than a few years ago. At the same time, Messenger outperforms email for every benchmark.

Abandoned Cart Recovery: Email vs. Messenger 2021


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